315 464-6283

Guirong Wang, PhD

750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210


Professor of Surgery




Cancer Research Program


Innate immunology; host defense; inflammatory regulation; Surfactant Protein expression, regulation and function; humanized transgenic mice;  Bacterial and SARS-CoV-2 induced pneumonia and sepsis; acute lung injury and ARDS; lung stem cell and differentiation; PM2.5 .诱发性肺病 


SHOCK Society


Fellowship: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院,2000年
PhD: 德国基尔大学,1994年




人体表面活性剂是磷脂和表面活性剂相关蛋白的复合物, 什么是生命所必需的. 表面活性剂蛋白由A、B、C、D四种蛋白组成.e. SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D. SP-A and SP-D are members of C-type lectin family and play critical roles of innate immunity and host defense against various microorganisms and other environmental insults; SP-B and SP-C are hydrophobic proteins essential for the life due to lowering surface tension of lung alveoli as well as host defense. The genes of these proteins exist significant genetic variations that cause individual susceptibility to various environmental insults and infectious diseases. We have cloned and identified structural and functional differences of human surfactant protein genetic variants of coding region and the regulatory roles of the non-coding regions (5’-UTR and 3’-UTR) of human surfactant proteins in the mRNA stability and protein expression. Furthermore, we are at the first time generated humanized transgenic mice (which express human surfactant protein gene but without mouse surfactant protein gene) as in vivo tool 然后研究表面活性剂蛋白的功能和分子机制, 以及个体对环境损害(臭氧)的遗传易感性, 环境颗粒物质)暴露和感染条件. 我们的研究结果证明了结构性, functional and regulatory differences of human surfactant protein genetic variants that can cause individual susceptibility to pulmonary diseases and infectious diseases, 因此,提供了重要的分子机制,开发个性化的医疗基于个人的基因组图谱

Recently, we focus on the following studies: (1) effects of ambient environmental insults (bacterial and viral pathogens and ambient particulate matter) exposure on surfactant protein dysfunction in vitro and in vivo; (2) the genetic susceptibility of SP-A, SP-B, SP-D to infection and acute lung injury using our humanized transgenic mice; (3) the roles of innate immunity of surfactant collectins (SP-A and SP-D) in the extrapulmonary organs, including kidney, intestine, middle ear, eye and pancreas, in several different disease models; (4) mucosal innate immunity of human SP-A and SP-D genetic variants against SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. In addition, we are developing a project to study of preRNA splicing mechanisms and the role of TP53 gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of lung cancer.


Active Research Support

NIH R21 AI171574 Wang, G. (PI) 07/1/2022 - 03/31/2024


NIH R01 HL136706 Wang, G. (PI) 04/1/2017 - 03/31/2023


NSF 16-601; 1722630 Wang, G. (PI) 10/1/2017 - 09/31/2022


迈克尔·康诺利捐赠基金 Wang, G. (PI) 06/1/2019 - 05/30/2022




  1. Abdel-Razek O, Audlin J, Poe SD, and Wang G (2022)中耳炎表面活性蛋白与先天免疫(综述). Innate Immunity (In press). PMID: 36069032. OnlineFirst: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17534259221123309
  2. 熊伟,Perna A, Jacob BI, Lundgren RB等 Wang G (2022)增强子结合蛋白MifR, α-酮戊二酸运输的重要调节因子, 是否需要铜绿假单胞菌PAO1在肺炎小鼠模型中具有完全毒力. 感染与免疫(即将出版). 预印出版PMID: 36125307. doi: 10.1128/iai.00136-22.
  3. 阮芳,陈杰,杨杰,等 Wang G (2022) Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Attenuates pneumonia-induced Lung Injury by modulations of alveolar macrophage bactericidal activity and M1 Polarization. Shock (In press). 提前出版DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001989
  4. 张欣,陶杰,于静,胡宁,张欣, Wang G, Feng J, Xiong X, Li M, Chai D, Li H, Rong Y, Tang Z, Wang W, Peng Z and Shi Q (2021) Inhibition of Notch activity promotes pancreatic cytokeratin 5-positive cell differentiation to beta cells and improves glucose homeostasis endocrine function following acute pancreatitis. Cell Death and Disease. 12:867. PMID: 34556631; PMCID: PMC8460737; DOI: 10.1038/s41419-021-04160-2.
  5. Abdel-Razek O,刘涛,陈鑫,王强,Vanga G, Wang G (2021)表面活性剂蛋白D在实验性中耳炎中的作用. 先天免疫杂志. 13(4):197-210 doi: 10.1159/000513605. Open access. PMID:33556949
  6. 周勇,明军,邓明,李勇,何斌, Wang G, Liu S. (2020)化学修饰姜黄素(CMC2).24) alleviates osteoarthritis progression by restoring cartilage homeostasis and inhibiting chondrocyte apoptosis via NF-κB/HIF-2α axis suppression. 分子医学杂志. 98(10):1479-1491. 2020年8月28日在线发布. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00109-020-01972-1.
  7. 石超,王旭,王磊,孟强,郭东,陈磊,戴敏, Wang G, Cooney R, Luo J. (2020)纳米陷阱通过减轻过度炎症提高严重败血症患者的生存率. 自然通讯2020年7月7日;11(1):3384. PubMed PMID: 32636379; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7341815.
  8. 杨峰,张军,杨勇,阮峰,陈旭,郭杰,Abdel-Razek O,左英英, Wang G. (2020) Regulatory Roles of Human Surfactant Protein B Variants on Genetic Susceptibility to Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pneumonia-Induced Sepsis. Shock. 54(4):507-519. PMID:31851120 doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001494. Open Access
  9. Abdel-Razek O, Ni L, Yang F, Wang G (2019)表面活性剂蛋白A在实验性中耳炎中的先天免疫. Innate Immunity. 25(7):391-400. doi: 10.1177/1753425919866006. PMCID: PMC6900641. Open Access
  10. Wang G (作为通讯作者),Umstead TM, Hu S, Mikerov AN, Phelps DS, Floros J. (2019) Differential Effects of Human SP-A1 and SP-A2 on the BAL Proteome and Signaling Pathways in Response to Klebsiella pneumoniae and Ozone Exposure. Front Immunol. 10:561. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00561. PubMed PMID: 30972061; PMCID: PMC6443908. Open Access
  11. 于静,倪磊,张学祥,张健,Abdel-Razek O, Wang G (2019) Surfactant protein D alleviates severe acute pancreatitis-induced inflammation and injury by suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Shock. 51(5):557-568. PubMed PMID: 30124598; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6393216.
  12. 郭磊,孟明,魏勇,林峰,姜勇,崔旭, Wang G, Wang C, Guo X. (2019)活组合B的保护作用. subtilis and E. 通过调节巨噬细胞和肥大细胞的激活和转化,粪便在多微生物脓毒症中的作用. Front. Pharmacol. 9:1506. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01506. PubMed PMID: 30719003; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6348999.
  13. 杜军,Abdel-Razek O,石强,胡峰,丁刚,Cooney NR, Wang G (2018) Both pulmonary and renal surfactant protein D protects against pneumonia-induced acute kidney injury through modulating lung-kidney crosstalk and regulating renal apoptosis, 炎症和NF-κB活化. Scientific Reports. 8:15393. DOI:10.1038 / s41598 - 018 - 33828 - 7 PMCID: PMC6193952. Open Access
  14. Jia Q, Guo L, Fang Y, Wang G (2018)基于分层分布式系统的高效隐私保护机器学习. 网络科学与工程学报- ieee. 14(8):2327-4679.
  15. 石强,洪玉萍,张学勇,陶军,王云云,赵磊,梅富锋,游勇,夏辉,熊晓晨, Wang G, Wang WX(2018)成年小鼠cerulein诱导胰腺炎后,细胞角蛋白5阳性细胞可生成β细胞. 生物化学,生物物理学,公共科学. 496(1):114-119. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.01.008. PMID: 29307825. Open Access
  16. 周勇,明建辉,李彦明,邓明,何斌,周建林, Wang G, Liu SQ (2018) Surfactant Protein D attenuates nitric oxide-stimulated apoptosis in rat chondrocyte by suppressing p38 MAPK signaling. 中国生物医学工程学报,2016,31 (1):526-532. doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.10.170. Open Access
  17. 罗建民,曹福林,孟超,林丽娟,马思清,彭世生,高海林,Javidiparsijani S, Wang G, Zhang ML, Xin JG, Wang YC, Zhang SK ( 2017) Clinicopathological and molecular characteristics of synchronous gastric adenocarcinoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Scientific Reports. 7(1):12890. PMCID: PMC5635104. Open Access
  18. Zhang L, Meng Q, Yepuri N, Wang G, Xi X, Cooney RN. (2017)表面活性蛋白- a和-D减轻lps诱导的原代肠上皮细胞凋亡. Shock. 49(1):90-98. doi: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000919. PMID 28591009.
  19. 刘J,李,李L,刘Z,周问, Wang G, Chen D. (2017) Surfactant protein-D (SP-D) gene polymorphisms and serum level as predictors of susceptibility and prognosis of acute kidney injury in the Chinese population. BMC Nephrol. 2017 Feb 17;18(1):67. doi: 10.1186/s12882-017-0485-x. PMID:28212617. Open Access
  20. Zhang XY, Shi Q, Wang CT, Wang G (2017)小鼠品系对蛋白诱导胰腺炎胰腺损伤和再生的差异敏感性. Int J of Clin Exp Pathol. 10(9):9934-9944. Open Access
  21. Jain SV, Kollisch-Singule M, Satalin J, Searles Q, Dombert L, Abdel-Razek O, Yepuri N, Leonard A, Gruessner A, Andrews P, Fazal F, Meng Q, Wang G, Gatto LA, Habashi NM, Nieman GF. (2017) The role of high airway pressure and dynamic strain on ventilator-induced lung injury in a heterogeneous acute lung injury model. Intensive Care Med Exp. 5(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s40635-017-0138-1. PMID: 28497420.
  22. M, Jain SV, Satalin J, Andrews P, Searles Q,刘志强,周勇, Wang G, Meier AH, Gatto LA, Nieman GF, Habashi NM(2017)早产猪新生儿模型的限制性呼吸机相关肺损伤. 小儿外科杂志. 52(1):50-55. PMID: 27837992.
  23. 葛亮,刘霞,陈锐,徐勇,左英英,库尼荣, Wang G(2016)表达人表面活性蛋白B基因变异的转基因小鼠对 Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced pneumonia. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 469(2):171-5. PMID: 26620227; PMCID: PMC4698049. Open Access
  24. 胡峰,丁刚,加藤L, Hawgood S, Poulain F, Cooney R, Wang G (2016)表面活性剂蛋白A和D在尿路感染中的先天免疫. Innate Immunity 22(1)9-20. PMID:26511057. PMCID: PMC4679646. Open Access
  25. 徐勇,葛林,Abdel-Razek O, Jain S,刘志,Hong Y, Nieman G, Johnson F, Golub LM, Cooney RN, Wang G. (2016) Differential susceptibility of human SP-B genetic variants on lung injury caused by bacterial pneumonia and the effect of chemically modified curcumin. Shock 45(4):375-84. PMID: 26863117; PMCID: PMC4698049.
  26. 石强,陈超,邓文辉,王鹏,左涛,赵磊,于健,赵克林,梅福峰,李超, Wang G, and Wang WX. (2016) Hydrogen-rich saline attenuates acute hepatic injury in acute necrotizing pancreatitis by inhibiting inflammation and apoptosis, 涉及JNK和p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶-依赖活性氧. Pancreas 45(10)1424-1431.
  27. 刘健,Abdel-Razek O,刘志,胡峰,周强,Cooney RN, Wang G (2015)表面活性剂蛋白A和D在脓毒症急性肾损伤中的作用. Shock 43:31-38. PMCID: PMC4269566.
  28. 刘忠,石强,刘健,Abdel-Razek O,徐勇,Cooney RN, Wang G (2015) Innate immune molecule surfactant protein D attenuates sepsis-induced acute pancreatic injury through modulating apoptosis and NF-kB-mediated inflammation. 科学报告5:17798 | DOI: 10.1038/srep17798. PMCID: PMC4669466. Open Access
  29. 张震,Abdel-Razek O, Hawgood S, Wang G (2015)表面活性剂蛋白D对眼部的保护作用 Staphylococcus aureus infection. PLOS ONE 10(9):e0138597. PMCID: PMC4580580. Open Access
  30. Yang WJ, Ni L, Silveyra P, Wang G, Noutsios TG, Singh A, DiAngelo S, Sanusi O, Raval M and Floros J (2013) Motifs within the CA-repeat-rich region of surfactant protein B (SFTPB) intron 4 differentially affect mRNA splicing. 分子生物化学杂志. 2:41-56.
  31. Roy S, Habashi N, Sadowitz B, Andrews P, Ge L, Wang G, Roy P, Ghosh A, Kuhn M, Satalin J, Gatto AL, Lin L, Dean AD, Vodovotz Y, Nieman G. (2013)早期气道压力释放通气预防ARDS——一种新的肺损伤预防方法. Shock, 39(1):28-38.
  32. Wang Y, Voelker D, Lugogo N, Wang G, Floros J, Ingram JL, Chu HW, Church TD, Fertel D, Wright JR, 和Kraft M(2011)表面活性剂蛋白a在消除哮喘炎症中的缺陷. Am J Physiol——肺细胞Mol Physiol. 301:L598-L606.
  33. 刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,等。 Wang G, Umstead TM, Phelps DS, Floros J. (2012)性别和臭氧暴露对野生型和SP-A(-/-)小鼠肺炎病程的影响. Microb Pathog. 52(4):239-249. PMCID: PMC3608432.
  34. Mikerov AN, Cooper TK, Wang G,胡绍平,刘建军,刘建军,刘建军. (2011)肺和肺外组织的组织病理学评估显示性别差异 Klebsiella pneumonia 在不同的暴露条件下感染小鼠. 中华临床医学杂志,3(3):391 - 391. PMCID: PMC3175744.
  35. Wang G,郭XX, DiAngelo S, Thomas NJ, Floros J. (2010) Humanized SFTPA1 and SFTPA2 SP-A1和SP-A2在转基因小鼠体内的功能分化:小管髓鞘的形成需要这两个基因产物. J. Biol. Chem.
  36. Wang G,郭晓明,张建军,张建军,张建军. (2009)人类SP-A 5'-UTR变体的cap独立翻译, 双环结构和顺式元件贡献. Am J Physiol——肺细胞Mol Physiol. 296:L635-L647.
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  38. Wang G, Taneva S, Keough KMW, Floros J. (2007)人类SP-A1和SP-A2变异对含有表面活性剂蛋白B的磷脂单层的不同影响. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1768:2060-2069.
  39. Wang G, Guo X, Floros J. (2005) Differences in the translation efficiency and mRNA stability mediated by 5'-UTR splice variants of human SP-A1 and SP-A2 genes. Am J Physiol - Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 289:L497-L508.
  40. Wang G,贝茨-肯尼SR,陶JQ,菲尔普斯DS,弗洛斯J. (2004)人类SP-A1和SP-A2变体之间的生化特性和生物学功能差异, 以及臭氧氧化的影响. 生物化学,2004,43 (4):427 - 439.
  41. Wang G, Guo X and Floros J. (2003)人类SP-A 3′-UTR变异介导基础水平和地塞米松反应的差异基因表达. Am J Physiol——肺细胞Mol Physiol. 284:L738-L748.
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  43. Wang G, Umstead TM, Phelps DS, al - mondhry H, Floros J (2002). 臭氧暴露对人体表面活性剂A变体刺激细胞因子产生能力的影响. 环境健康观点. 110:79-84. PMCID: PMC1240696.
  44. Wang G, Phelps DS, Umstead TM, Floros J (2000). 来自一个或两个基因的人类SP-A蛋白变体刺激THP-1细胞系中TNF-a的产生. Am. J. Physiol.--Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 278:L946-L954.


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